Donation Announcement
Jakarta, 21 July 2022
We’re delighted to announce #LangkahECSPeduli as our Charity of the Year 2022. We are committed to helping build a brighter future. As our tagline, we believe that Together We Can Make Difference. We seek to support charities and causes that are relevant to our employees and to our work.
(21/7) ECS team is happy to share that our donation has been sent and processed. Our charity choice is to help children in “Rumah Singgah Kasih Ampera”. Rumah Singgah Kasih is one of small foundations for children with special needs in North Jakarta. Our hearts are moved to help them by providing daily necessities (like food, toiletries, etc).
We hope this small steps will always remind us to always be grateful. “Share whatever you can to help someone in need. Then you will be happier and a better person indeed”.