Early childhood education has an important role in shaping children’s character and developing their potential and intelligence. Early childhood educators and education personnel continue to struggle and work with love for early childhood in Indonesia.
In the mid of the COVID-19 pandemic, PAUD teachers also feel the impact. Large-scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) are implemented which make activities limited. The majority of honorary teachers also have difficulty meeting the needs of daily life.
Besides that, Many teachers and schools are not ready to conduct online teaching and learning because of limited proper device, internet access and limited knowledge and experience regarding effective online learning patterns.
Through Indonesian Early Childhood Educators and Education Personnel Association (HIMPAUDI), ECS decided to help PAUD teacher. Basic food package will be given to PAUD teacher in 5 provinces and ECS provide 14 laptops that are expected to improve the quality of online school.
29 July 2020 Mr Antonius and Mr Husin Tjandera as a representative of ECS Indo Jaya gave a symbolic of this social service and received by Mrs Sur – HIMPAUDI team. We hope that the small steps from ECS can help others.